Astrological Musings

In this time of what is described as chaos, which can be referred to as Pisces, which in human gestation, approximately nine months, sometimes more, sometimes less, originates in Gemini, the wilderness, the nature speak, the communication, the quick movement, the whimsy, the magical cusp into Cancerian, which summer solstice speaks to, there are some thoughts…

From air to water, Millenials to Gen Z. Fast talking, gadgets to home and cozy. The moon, the beach, the cycles, the ebbs and flows, the mother. From shop to cocoon. Transformation has been described as fire, however in astrology it is water, scorpio, and air, gemini. Moth and butterfly. Winged and different. Different is Aquarius. Along with groups and friends and hopes and wishes. 11th house. Uranus-ruled. Revolution. Generational. Technology is Aquarius, gadgets are Gemini. Both air. The four elements, fire earth air water. Fire action, earth material, air ideas, water feelings.

And I think Baby Boomers were Aries ruled. Activists, the spark, the beginning after the war, the baby who then goes into the senses of Taurus, Gen X. With music and romanticism and slow building and farm to table, plants, gardening. Aren’t dining tables Virgo? And thus beta. The generation about to be born starting in 2024. Year of the Dragon. It seems that generations once 30 years in length are now 12. A jupiter cycle. Speeding up, but seemingly, an illusion (neptune in pisces) as the universe is slowing down. An on the move senior. Getting it all in before eternity. That mysterious door to the stars.

None of this is Auerbach Artist Colony speak, however moving to Astoria, Oregon, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean, working on AAC North, wondering since age 12 when I began this study of the energy of the cosmos, and now 31 years later…

So, maybe the Lost Generation was Capricorn–resourceful, building things to last, structure turned to Aquarius, the GI generation who was focused on friends, humanity, groups and then the Silent Generation was Pisces, with their filmmakers and musicians, many of whom were at Woodstock. And there is an interweaving of feminine (earth, water) and masculine (air, fire) throughout. The feminine is Lost Generation (Capricorn–earth), Silent Generation (Pisces–water), Gen X (Taurus–earth), Gen Z (Cancerian–water), Beta (Virgo–earth). Grandparents and grandchildren being the same element when generations weren’t so close together. GI Generation (Aquarius), Baby Boomers (Aries), Millennials (Gemini), Alpha (Leo)… And so Baby Boomers (1945-63) are fire and so are many of their Alpha (2012-2024) grandchildren. We think of the flower children of the sixties and some of them were giving birth to Gen X, taurus which is the garden and their great grandchildren will correspond to Libra, the generation after beta, which rules flowers. Making way for what is to come. Energy wise.

Thinking about astrocartography, how every place has an astrological sign. And everyone has 12 houses in their chart, all the signs in different configurations, our blueprint. Where the stars and planets were when we were born. And how they progress each year. We change with the times.

It is all the energy relationships within our own chart and in synastry with others. It is about the wheel of the year. Each degree being a day. I have read so much these 30 years that I can’t know the sources of what I learned but I am grateful to the authors and speakers for sharing what findings can add to the picture. It is a puzzle. Generational placements of planets. The moon, the mood, cycling every two and a half days. Changing us. What feels right. Alignment.

Pisces contains every other sign.

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